None of us can change what we did or did not do in the past, but we CAN press forward and make healthy positive changes NOW!
What is the 21 Day Mind/Body detox?
Before I answer that question, consider this: The definition of the word “Detox” is treatment to rid the body of poisonous substances.
Whether we realize it or not, stress is a poisonous “substance” which wreaks havoc on our physical body, our emotional state our mental capacities and our spiritual strength.
According to the American Medical Association:
75-90% of all doctor visits are stress related ailments and complaints.
Stress plays a major role in health related issues: headaches, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression and anxiety, diabetes, digestive issues, muscular aches and pains, sleep issues.
Stress costs American industry and business more than $300 billion dollars a year.
When we begin to focus on specific WELLNESS DISCIPLINES in the midst of our stress a true detox begins. A detox that rids our body, mind, heart and soul of the poison of stress each day leaving us with positive energy, focus, strength and peace.
“Either you run your day, or your day will run you.” Jim Rohn
This 21 day total mind/body detox program is a JUMPSTART to help you clean out the negative, toxic, bad habits and influences on your mind and body and replace them with empowering nourishing habits. We are offering a 21 DAY STRESS DETOX, giving you the tools and wellness disciplines you need to start and end your day positive, strong and empowered.
There is a level of commitment and dedication that is required from you to get the amazing results from this life changing program.
I have been blessed to be in the Fitness/Wellness Industry for over 30 years now and I am truly passionate about teaching healthy and empowered living. A way of living where you feel nourished, strong and fit mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. A way of living and experiencing each day energized, focused, confident and successful.
So many of us today are living in what I call a “toxic cycle.” We have allowed ourselves to get into unhealthy patterns in thought, action and attitude that allow toxins to build up in our body leading to illness and disease.
Right now, so many of us are overstressed and undernourished which is causing us to be:
- Sick and exhausted physically
- Worried and anxious mentally
- Impatient, angry, frustrated and discouraged emotionally and spiritually
A positive, happy and healthy life doesn’t just happen! We make it happen. One day, one choice at a time. What I know for sure is no matter what you are experiencing IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO MOVE FORWARD IN A POSITIVE HEALTHY SUCCESSFUL DIRECTION!
Small nourishing wellness disciplines repeated every day will lead to spectacular results. What are the spectacular results?
- A healthy energized body.
- A clear focused positive mind.
- Steady and stable emotions.
- A strong and persevering spirit!
How does this work?
When you register
- you will be enrolled as a Premium member of for a period of one year.
- you will receive a new email lesson every day for 21 days. Within each email contains a coaching lesson for the day AND recommended detoxing daily disciplines to help you live each day healthy, strong, energized and focused.
It’s the small daily positive disciplines we are creating as habits that will lead to healthy successful results!
Over the course of the next 21 days, you will be provided with comprehensive practices for detoxing your mind and body that you can do anytime, anywhere. Included are the
- Premium Workout Videos
- Empowering-Thought meditations
- Meal plans
- Strategies for clean eating
- Practices for quality sleep
- Coaching
- Empower Yourself course videos
- Plus inspiration and motivation to persevere and press forward and so much more!!
These are your coaching lessons to keep and refer back whenever you want. The premium content will be available as long as your membership is active. So you will have FULL access to the comprehensive life changing wellness practices with your program registration and 1 year membership, including new workouts, meditations and motivation content updates.
It’s never too late to move forward in a healthy, positive direction! Are you ready? Are you ready to release stress and tension so it doesn’t become toxic to your health and well-being? Are you ready to nourish yourself mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually? Are you ready to live each day energized, focused, healthy and empowered?
21 Day Detox - What can you expect from DAILY practice?
- Clean out the negative, toxic, bad habits and influences on your mind and body!
Replace them with Empowering Nourishing habits! - Experience:
a healthy and energized body!
a clear, focused, positive mind!
calm, steady, stable emotions!
a strong, persevering spirit! - Reduce stress, tension and worry so it doesn't become toxic to your health and well-being!
- Live everyday healthy, strong and empowered!