Choose Well To Live Well

Live fit, healthy and strong in body, mind and spirit!

Choose Peace

Peace and calmness is a choice.

For every minute we are angry, we lose sixty seconds of happiness.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I love these words of wisdom. It’s such a great reminder that peace and calmness is a choice. For every minute we are frustrated, negative, worried and anxious we lose 60 seconds of calmness, peace and joy.

It takes a deliberate intention and practice to choose peace when you are surrounded by hard circumstances and negative people. But here is the thing, when we choose peace we are choosing health, strength and energy for our body, and calm focus for our mind. It’s exhausting to be worried, negative, and anxious.

I have two tips to help you with choosing peace:

Start your day empowered and filled up with nourishment and positivity. Exercise, eat well, meditate on empowering thoughts. When we start our day this way, health endorphins are released, our mood is high, our body is energized and our mind is focused and aware. May I encourage you to jump in, become a premium member of Choose Well to Live Well and get access to all the tools and practices you need to start your day empowered!

As you live your day, when you feel yourself getting stirred up and anxious, take a time out. Stop. Breathe. Four counts in, pause, four counts out. Repeat a calming mantra to yourself such as “let go.” This instantly releases tension and stress and you can then decide how you want to respond and move forward.

So, remember, we have only one day at a time to live, so let’s live today consciously and deliberately and choose well!

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