Choose Well To Live Well

Live fit, healthy and strong in body, mind and spirit!

Its All About Choices

Life is all about choices; one’s destiny unfolds according to the choices one makes. ~ Robin Sharma

A positive, healthy and happy life doesn’t just happen! We make it happen, and every choice is moving us in a direction!

We all want to achieve our goals yesterday for the effort we make today. Whether you have set financial/work goals, health/weight loss goals, or relationship intentions, accomplishment and success in life takes time, consistent positive effort, and persistent commitment.

To help you stay on track to make positive healthy choices to accomplish your goals:

  1. It’s important to always keep in mind you have only this moment, now, this day to live and choose. What you choose today in your attitude and action will affect your tomorrow. Choose to do and be your best right here, right now.
  2. Never give up on yourself. Even when and if you get off track. Get back up, learn, recommit, tweak things if you have to, and move forward; especially in busy times. I love the quote “I never lose, I either win or learn.” ~Unknown.
  3. Always be optimistic in all aspects of your life. Being pessimistic and negative is more than just an emotional drain on yourself and those around you. This type of attitude has been linked to a higher risk of all sorts of disease in the body.

Optimism is associated with a variety of health benefits – from better immune function to reduced risk of chronic disease. One of the best ways to practice optimism is to stop all complaining, blaming and condemning. When you detox yourself from complaining, blaming and condemning you will feel less stressed, less anxious, lighter and calmer.

Another powerful way is to deliberately and intentionally meditate on thoughts that strengthen and empower you!

So, remember, we have only one day at a time to live, so let’s live this day consciously and deliberately and choose well!

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