Choose Well To Live Well

Live fit, healthy and strong in body, mind and spirit!

Live Without Excuses

Not managing your time and making excuses are bad habits.  Don’t put them together by claiming you don’t have time.
~Bo Bennet

A positive, healthy and empowered life doesn’t just happen. We make it happen! Every choice counts.  I want to encourage you to make a decision to live without excuses.  We can either experience positive results, or live with excuses, but we can’t have both.  Decide to take care of yourself mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Don’t under estimate the power of a 15 minute workout! Not having time is the most used excuse for lack of exercise.  If we don’t make time for exercise, at some point we will need to make time for physical pain, illness or disease. Just 15 minutes improves mood, boosts energy, releases pent up stress and tension from our body, and releases toxins.  We offer a variety of Boot Camp based 15 minute workouts!

See our complete exercise practice!

Become the most optimistic, positive person you know.  To do this we need to deliberately strengthen our mindset by meditating on thoughts that strengthen and empower us.  When we practice this consistently we don’t accept excuses from ourselves and we will create positive results.  We offer empowering thought meditations to practice!

See Our Meditations!

Bloom where you are planted.  Do and be your best right where you stand.   Think of a lotus flower.  A lotus is a beautiful flower that grows and thrives in the most murky  conditions.  This example of nature represents strength in the midst of trouble.  It represents infinite possibilities and new beginnings. Be all in where you are.  Maintain a good attitude in the midst of trouble.  Do and be your best no matter what.

So, remember, we have only one day at a time to live, so let’s live this day consciously and choose well.

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