Choose Well To Live Well

Live fit, healthy and strong in body, mind and spirit!


How to nourish your body, mind & spirit

To keep the body in good health is our duty; otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. ~ Buddha

Today, let’s talk about nourishment. Nourishing our body, our mind, our soul; three parts of us that need nourishment on a daily basis so we can live each day healthy, energized, focused and empowered.

The dictionary describes nourishment: to cherish, strengthen, build up, promote. To supply what is necessary for life, health and growth.

To me, it’s the process and journey of making life giving, strengthening and positive choices in thought, action and attitude. As a fitness and wellness coach, I truly believe the purpose of life is to enjoy all aspects of our life, and it’s tough to enjoy life if we are not well physically and emotionally and experience continuous feelings of stress, worry and anxiety.

So, what will nourish us physically? We can choose to:

These are all very basic yet very powerful practices that will nourish our physical body, keeping us strong, healthy and energized.

What will nourish our mind? We can:

All of these practices will keep our mind positive, clear and focused.
What will nourish our soul? May I encourage you to:

  • Write a” happy list”
  • Write down all the things that you love to do
  • Make sure you do something every day that you love
  • Commit to 10 minutes of silence each day.
  • Prayer, meditation, taking a walk outside, writing in a journal.

These are all very powerful spiritual practices that nourish our soul.
The best gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones is a healthy, nourished happyYOU.”

So, remember, we have only one day at a time to live so let’s live this day consciously and deliberately and choose well!

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