Choose Well To Live Well

Live fit, healthy and strong in body, mind and spirit!

Goal Habits

A healthy positive life doesn’t just happen, we make it happen; Every choice we make in action and attitude is moving us in a direction

Today I want to talk to you about the 4 habits that I think are so important to the achievement of any goal or desire.

  1. The first is commitment. Commitment is an attitude of loyalty, it’s a promise to someone or something. Without commitment people give up too easily. We need a level of commitment to have staying power.
  2. Second is determination. Determination is the ability to continue, even when the journey gets difficult. It is a firm and fixed intention to achieve something. Determination gives us the ability to achieve goals and pursue what seems impossible.
  3. Third is patience. Nothing can be achieved without patience. We need to train ourselves to do our best, do our responsibility in forward moving action towards our goal, and then wait. Wait for our results to unfold, and the key is to wait with a good attitude.
  4. Fourth is to refresh and renew. To take time to re-group , to nourish our spirit and soul. This re-energizes us to begin again.

As 2015 comes to an end, and we ring in the blessing of another new year, take an inventory and ask yourself if you need to improve on any of these areas and take little by little steps to develop these habits so you can live the life and be the person you want to be.

Allow us to serve you on your journey to healthy and empowered living.
So, remember, we have only one day at a time to live so let’s live this day consciously and deliberately and let’s choose well!

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